Mobile App Builder / Branding + Connectivity
For iPhone, and Android smartphones
Enhance your brand with a custom App! No developer or coding required; we incurred the R&D costs and pass the savings on to you. Comprehensive, convenient, customizable content across iOS and Android. Once downloaded - your Fans can buy stuff from your custom e-Commerce store directly off their mobile device.
Check it out
How it works?

2. Create your own application
in one place
Access the control panel - create your Artist Profile - upgrade to the Master Plan and with the click of a button all the content will be dynamically pulled to create and generate your mobile apps across nearly all devices to include: iPhone, Android, iPad, Surface and other tablets. Once created, simply notify us and we will submit it to iTunes and the other Apps stores on your behalf. Once approved, we will notify you of the custom app available to your fans!
Updating your profile pages will automatically update your custom app!